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Studiomaster Amp

Mark Payne

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Just thourght you might like to know......


This is not an Advert ok! We get a lot of amps shoved our way. I have a few nasty tests I do to see if an amp is "road worthy".



I tested the AX2500 from Studiomaster today. In house we use QSC PowerLite IIs in our hire stock, but I always need a less expensive unit that I can offer on lower budget installs and semi-pro supply.


The AX2500 is the middle one (750W per channel into 4).

I AB'd it against a QSC... very nice sound actually. No problems here.


I popped it onto the load bank at 4Ohms per side running at peak for 4 hours. OK.


I then blocked the air vents until it went into protect on thermal. Took 15 mins and recovered quickly without problems. Nice.


I then dead shorted both sides while running 4 ohms at full tilt. Protects fine. No nasties.


I then AB'ed it again against the QSC for sound... still good.


I then dropped it 10 times from 2 ft above the work bench. Still ok.


Then I open her up to have alook at the build qual..... its ok(ish). Not great but not bad.


Its a fine amp for the money.


I have read a few posts with people asking for amp recomendations. So here is one if you are on a budget.


PM me for details (you want this one for a deal!?????... one carefull owner! ) ;-)


Peter tagged me for making this sound like an advert! Hope I have changed it enough! What else can I say? Is this ok?





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