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Print Your Own Gobo's


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Has anyone tried printing gobos, either on an inkjet or laser, for use in LED profiles such as the Selecon PL1 ? I've just had a quick go using an OHP film with a matte surface, and a Kodak inkjet printer, and was quite pleased with the results for a first attempt. I would imagine that there are tricks and tips that other lampies have found which would improve the quality. Brand of film for instance. Any thoughts ?

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Well I would imagine an acetate would need bonding to a substrate of some sort wouldn't it, in order to fit in the holder properly, so I was thinking the cost of substrate, acetate film, printing ink, etc might be more than simply 3D printing the gobo.
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Well I would imagine an acetate would need bonding to a substrate of some sort wouldn't it...

No, or at least it didn't when I last printed some colour gobos for some Selecon Pacifics. Acetate film is more than rigid enough when cut down to the size of a gobo.


Edit: Have a look here for how Selecon recommend you create your own acetate gobos (which they call Fergos, named after their inventor David Ferguson)

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