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Adding fixture to pearl tiger


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I have created a fixture using Avolites Personality Builder and want to use it with an Avolites Pearl Tiger desk. I have never done this before but reading the manual it seems to be a simple process. But I just want to check I've got it all correct before I do it as its not my desk but a hire desk and I we don't have long to program!


So from what I can tell I go into the Personality Builder, press file and then "Generate R20 Files"

Then I copy this file onto a USB Stick

Put the USB in the desk then go into the System Menu

Then select USB Stick Options and then option E "Sync Fixtures"


Also just want to check this wont upset any of the other fixture profiles? Dont want to end up with a desk with no profiles and my custom one!!


Really just looking for someone to tell me that what I've said is correct and fine or if its not then whats the proper way to-do it.




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Don't worry about trying to cache it up or doing anything in system if its just a hire desk. Just get the r20s on the USB and patch them directly from the program menu.

If your not sure, bounce the personality over to the Hire company and get them to add it to the cache/internal USB themselves ahead of time.

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