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Behringer X32 Firewire Playbck


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I am trying to playback a logic file I recorded with logic [and not the x32] but I am struggling. I am just getting it cutting in and out and only playing back a stereo mix into channel 1&2? Any ideas?


EDIT; Plus its crazy distorted!!




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I am trying to playback a logic file I recorded with logic [and not the x32] but I am struggling. I am just getting it cutting in and out and only playing back a stereo mix into channel 1&2? Any ideas?


EDIT; Plus its crazy distorted!!





im not sure this is a firewire issue so much as an assignment issue - and if your signal is too distorted going out then it will clip coming in. I haven't used logic - I used reaper - but I'm guessing the basics are the same. in which case you need to start from the beginning with thorough trouble shooting.


the sound just using your pc/laptop on headphone - does it sound distorted?

you have the current drive installed on your pc/laptop

that your software selects the x32 as device using ASIO

that each of your channel strips in your software is allocated to a separate channel in and out (not midi) - this is most probably the issue

that your outputs (and inputs) on your software are set to the same channel as you want to receive/send them on the x32

on the x32 check that those channels receiving from the x32 card are set to receive ..routing>home>inputs 1 to 8 for example

if you are sending back to the pc you will also need to set the card out ,,routing>card out> card 1 to 8 for example


assuming you then have a signal coming in from the card on the channel you want, adjust the gain to achieve a reasonable level - minus 18 on the main meter.


my guess would be that you have cone astray at the inputs outputs assignment on your software - that's as far as my thinking takes me

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do you want the logic session to appear back into the 32 channels you recorded them from? if so set the desk channel inputs to 'card' 1 through 32. put the desk in 32in 32out mode on the card settings.


is the logic session running the correct sample rate 48kHz? what about bit depth?


have you routed the channel outputs of Logic to anything other than 1&2?

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Just another thought to eliminate the fire wire, you may like to try via usb which would be perfectly adequate but you will need to install a usb driver rather than the firewire driver you have presumably installed.
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