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Outdoor Lighting - Will work?


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Hi All, just inherited a project where the client has already booked the kit with the hire company and I'm looking for some more options to whether it will work


The Event is an outdoor event late feb there is a 50m diameter circle arena that needs to be lit from both sides, from what I can gather last year they used 2 HMI light towers (the type with a generator at the bottom)the main problem with this was the lack of easy control and having to wait for them to cool before turning on again,


This year they have planned a different approach , The current plan involves 4 x 6.2m zenith stands each with a Studio Due LED CityColor and a pair of SGM Palco3 LED Flood 40deg at the top of each stand.


what are peoples thoughts on this?




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Without knowing anything about those LED fixtures, my first thought would be to get some mphotometric data, and quick.


The HMI light towers usually have four floods on top, each at least 1000W HMI, often 1500W, and although they are unsubtle things, they are damned bright.

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Without knowing anything about those LED fixtures, my first thought would be to get some mphotometric data, and quick.

The HMI light towers usually have four floods on top, each at least 1000W HMI, often 1500W, and although they are unsubtle things, they are damned bright.


All the light towers I have come across seem to be 4 x 400W son or metal halides. No doubt you can get bigger ones but they don't seem to be common.


The palcos are quite old now but are reasonably poky if you want saturated colour. Not used an LED citycolour but they claim it is the same brightness as an old-style citycolour, these were 2500W metal halide.

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forgot to say it is a battle reenactment,


info on the heads can be found at


and http://www.sgmlight.com/shop/palco-3/c-23/p-138


I have only ever used both fixtures before to light buildings never to wash an area and from experience where I had 10 old and 4 new led the led city's seem brighter than the 2.5k MH equivalent

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  • You'll need some decent guys on the stands, the weather in Feb can get very extreme and you're making a very tall, top-heavy structure which will be operating at the extremes of its specification.
  • You'll also need to ensure the ground it is standing on is in good condition and can cope with the point loading.
  • It won't be terribly bright - you're going to have "functional" light rather than anything that you could even begin to try doing something arty with.
  • You haven't explained how you're providing the power to these units - I assume some sort of generator and long cable runs; by switching from self-contained tower-lights you're adding a range of complications with regards to running cables and (potentially) having all your power coming from one source which if it fails will plunge the whole site in to darkness.

Personally I'd just spec more tower lights - there are a wide range of units available and all have remote trigger options (from simple switched signal through wireless and even mobile phone controlled) with the added bonus that each one is totally self contained and designed for exactly this job. At £150/each to hire I'd be getting some in anyway to deal with the "general" lighting and keep your fancy units focused on as small an area as possible.

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