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X32 Import Scene/Show Data


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Is there any other way apart from saving show data to memory stick and hot swapping it, to save/recall show and scene data to the X32.


X-edit doesn't seem to sync it.


Anyone have the answer or can it simply not be done?




I prefer to install from memory stick but you should be able to sync. from a laptop running x-edit. it's a while since I have done it this way but from memory:

- connect laptop to the correct usb port i.e. remote control port and NOT the sound card port

- set the ip addresses of laptop and desk so they talk to each other - on the x-edit network screen, observe the laptop ip address and change the desk to the same address plus 1. the engineers handbook on the behringer website is handy for stuff like this. (I wish they did a print version as a glossy I could keep in my rucksack)

- then still on the network select sync pc to console

BUT BE CAREFUL. this will enter whatever is in your scene files into the x32 memory - overwriting what is already there - so best to back up scene files on the desk and try to write in x-edit using what you know to be a blank scene on the console.


edited to add - you then obviously need to select that scene on the console scene view and load. make sure your existing scene is saved to a free spot as this disappears when you load the scene from the console memory

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I thought that would be how you do it, however as you can see it states that Library and Scenes are excluded from the sync.




Yep. That is true.


Rumor is that V2 firmware will allow this. Right now you have to use the USB stick.

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I thought that would be how you do it, however as you can see it states that Library and Scenes are excluded from the sync.




you know I have never noticed that! it may be that my current loaded scene just appeared - it definitely does transfer because that's how I used to do it. because I work a hire desk and a loan desk it just became easier not to keep faffing with ip addresses and to import and export via pen drive. But the first few shows I definitely did it that way. All I can suggest is try it with a scene currently loaded on x-edit, then sync and see what happens - I don't have a desk to hand again til next month to be able to try it.


on the view scene screen there is a home tab and at the top of that tab are buttons for x-edit/x-control and console - I would gess that if you are synced you can use the console to select the x-edit shows and scenes and load directly into the show list from there. it would be great if you can report back because I'm now starting to doubt myself and I won't have a console to hand for a while

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Definatly doesnt for me, although IIRC you can choose "console" in the scenes menue on Xedit so you can view/save/edit scenes on the console from the puter whislt connected to the X32, obviously this doesnt work with it offline.


not got it out till jan, when Ill update to the newer firmware, there may be an option in there to export the library.

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Tim is right, you can edit the X32's onboard scenes from XControl, but you can't sync them. And (as far as I can work out) you can't access the onboard library (individual channel setups) at all from XControl which is annoying if you are trying to remotely load channel setups. You have to copy them over to the XControl PC using a USB stick or something.
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