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LED Fixtures, Your preferred unit


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I was wondering if people could give me their opinion on the LED fixtures they would most like to use, as I am trying to work out the right route before purchasing.


Thanks in advance.




Depends what you want to do with them?


LEDs are not yet going to replace PAR 64s for example.


As set decor they`re great, some of the higher power units make good short range wash lights.


Very much a developing science and next years LED units are likely to be a lot brighter than this years, something to bear in mind.


Personally am a fan of Lagoled :




The new Pisa 42 looks exciting, uses 42 Luxeon 1W LEDs, the Chroma Q Block uses 3...

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I have not had a great deal of experience whit LED-fixtures, but I had a demo of the Chroma Q Colour block a few days ago. And I have to say they are insanely BRIGHT!

In this demo we used the Jands Vista to control them, and the looks and posibilitys we were able to get out of them by just tweaking the parameters of the FX-engine was simply amazing!


Another strong point whit the Colour Block is the versatility of mounting brackets available for them. You can have them as a blinder, as a batten, or you can create various frames/shapes whit the help of hinged corners. and of course you can attach a normal yoke to them or simply fit a C-clamp or cheeseburger to the integrated M10 fitting in the fixture.




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Hello Pete.


I've been using some SGM Palcos over the last few days on a conference for set washing. They are nice and bright for up close work but I wouldn't fancy hanging them in the air and letting them try and cut above any other 'theatrical' lighting as they simply won't do it. But they do a nice job for washing bits of set, and the whole low temperature and power consumption is a huge plus.


The strobe funciton on the aforementioned fixture is superb, very quick and reactive and extremely bright when you put it on white and face towards audience (for rock 'n roll for instance).


Anyway these are the only ones I've ever used so all I can comment on. We've had Thomas Pixelines in at work before which were flown overhead - not bad, relatively bright but again couldn't hold their own with movers etc on.


Basically if you can see the light & colour it's making, they seem to become alot more effective.


HTH. Good luck,


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What do people think of using JTE PixelLines as cyc lights with medium sort of throw?? Not bright enough??

I think they won't be bright enough, esp if you start using the wider beam ones to get a nice throw. The only luck you may have is to have them on an LX bar at the top of the cyc, and then a groundrow run of them. Use a medium wide beam (say about 30-50º) and have a full bars width on both the O/H LX bar and groundrow and that might do it.


Of course by this point you'll have hired so many it'll be quite pricey (!) and then you may as well use Thomas 1kw 4cells (or similar) and just decided which 4 colours you like most! :D Or use RGB and a 4th colour and mix that way.



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Yeah thats the problem!! What do people make of the Pulsar Chroma Bank and Batten stuff?? How does that compare with the PixelLines??


Also has anyone seen or used the PixelLine 1044's with the PixelMad software to achieve video effects?? Any pictures of this being used well??


Cheers all,



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I have to echo Stu's opinion of the SGM Palco's.


Light, IP65 rated, internal memory and I'd say they were pretty good on the intensity front as well - I've used them to light the outside of a building with about an 8mtr throw and was very impressed with the brightness. My only gripe with them is the fact that their mounting bracket doesn't quite allow them to be pointed vertically upwards.

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Ive used a few LED fixtures, and I like the effects you can create with them. They also add a nice feature to the set.


I would like to see them become a little brighter, as allready been mentioned they cant cut it for anything other than effect or close up washes.


The only thing that puts me off is the price, I still think they need time to come down in price.


Like anything new to the market. If people want it they are gonna pay for it, so the prices go up.




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Like anything new to the market. If people want it they are gonna pay for it, so the prices go up.

More like the companies wanting to claw back thier initial huge R&D costs - which don't come cheap (unless your certain companies and rip others off). As time goes on and products sell more they can of course drop the product as the inital outlay is recouped and now any money they make is pure profit..... A rising star product I think they call it which becomes a cash cow when everyone is buying them like crazy and the price drops dramatically!



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I was really impressed with the performance of the Pulsar Chromapanels when I got hold of some for a while last year. They look really good as part of any set and can quite nicely complement generic lighting and intelligent fixtures.

They're only two drawbacks were:

1) Theres no decent way to temporarily rig them.

2) The dedicated controller system (don't get me started on pulsar) in particular the fixed cables.

I know they are designed as a ceiling tile replacement and in such a role I'm sure they're a dream to fit.

Does anyone know of a similar product (led panel) which can take mains power (an iec or something) and with DMX in and out of the panel itself, rather than having to use a dedicated controller or DMX interface?

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I was really impressed with the performance of the Pulsar Chromapanels when I got hold of some for a while last year. They look really good as part of any set and can quite nicely complement generic lighting and intelligent fixtures.

They're only two drawbacks were:

1) Theres no decent way to temporarily rig them.

2) The dedicated controller  system (don't get me started on pulsar) in particular the fixed cables.

I know they are designed as a ceiling tile replacement and in such a role I'm sure they're a dream to fit.

Does anyone know of a similar product (led panel) which can take mains power (an iec or something) and with DMX in and out of the panel itself, rather than having to use a dedicated controller or DMX interface?


Are the pulsar units not designed in a similar way to VL's, with smart repeaters. Keeping all the electronics and power supplies out of the way so the Chromapanels can be smaller? Or is there a different reason for the separate controller?

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730 doors,


The SGM Palco mentioned above is mains powered with DMX In/Out on the fixture. The bit with the LEDs on is a square panel, with a small base underneath. Does that help at all?


See the SGM Palco site for more info.


And also a pic of the panel 'head' in action



Hope this helps.


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730 doors,


The SGM Palco mentioned above is mains powered with DMX In/Out on the fixture. The bit with the LEDs on is a square panel, with a small base underneath. Does that help at all?




The palcos do indeed look like a nice unit, but I was really after something in diffused panel kinda thing like the pulsars. I've had a play with the alkalite equivalent of the palco and the effect is far too in your face for my liking.

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Ayrton have a new 54led fixture with a square array similar in concept to Pulsar and SGM that has the ability to add diffuser filters to the front. We should have these in demo in June if that helps.


ian kirby

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