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Confetti Cannons


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Does anybody know of a good supply of Confetti Cannons for indoor and outdoor use, some disposable and some refillable, I know of Le Maitre's stuf and its not great. Also need a good supply of loose confetti for event use, must be FR and Colourfast. Does anybody know if outdoor confetti has to be FR?
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Try Confetti Magic. (I have to admit to being jusst a bit biased with that recommendation, as I sometimes work for their 'parent' company, Fantastic Fireworks ... but they have some excellent kit and Ian will look after you well.)


Edit : forgive my curiosity, but I have to ask ... your profile states "Current Employment or place of study : Confetti importers" - if you work for a company that imports the stuff, how come you're looking for a supplier? Have you run out of stock?!

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