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Roland M-480 - Matrix and Custom Fader Help Req.


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Hi Guys,


Im REALLY new to the M-480. So new in fact that I only have access to a borrowed one at the moment but will get my own in three weeks. My issue is that I have a show in two weeks and I need to know how to do the following.


Live band:


Send the WHOLE BAND to a single matrix AND individual band aspects (Drums, Backing Vox, Brass etc), to individual matrices, and then put those matrices on custom faders so that the whole band could be on Custom Faders 1 & 2 but ALL drums on 3 & 4 etc. I also need to maintain stereo panning.


Ive tried....... really I have, but just can't fathom it.


If theres a samaritan who would spen 10 mins giving me a step by step guide to getting this working, id be eternally grateful.


From the "Once you've switched it on" stage would be great, in case I'm missing something at the beginning.





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Send the WHOLE BAND to a single matrix AND individual band aspects (Drums, Backing Vox, Brass etc), to individual matrices, and then put those matrices on custom faders so that the whole band could be on Custom Faders 1 & 2 but ALL drums on 3 & 4 etc. I also need to maintain stereo panning.


If you are still driving one stereo PA system via all these matrices, it might make more sense to use DCAs, which give exactly the control that you're looking for.


If you are wanting to insert effects or EQ across the groups of instruments, then using matrices would make sense. (But you could use matrices for routing and still use DCAs for control)

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It sounds to me like what you want are either dca's (changing the level of a bunch of input faders whilst maintaining the relative ballanfe between them), or subgroups (a bunch of channels running through a processing bus, possibly with eq and dynamics control, the output of which goes to the main stereo l/r mix
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not sure why your wanting to use matrixes for the individual sections?

Worth noting the difference with VCA/DCA as your effectively using it to move faders up and down rather than routing things through it you only need one per section not two as the pan settings are maintained. If your using sub-groups you'll want a stereo one for the drums and anything else where your using pan on individual channels, if your using a group to say compress bass di and mic together then (depending on the desk) you'd generally use one sub-group and pan the group rather than the channels cutting down on how many groups you need/increasing what you can do with a fixed number of groups,

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Great choice of desk :-) My role is UK Market Support for Roland Systems Group. Happy to spend 10 mins on the phone with you. Call me... 07795 963296.


Chris Webster

Roland Systems Group (UK)




Thanks so much. As mentioned I borrow the desk at the moment so as soon as I have it in front of me I will give you a call. Much appreciated.





Highly recommend giving Chris a call - a hour spent with him taught me everything I needed to know about the V40-HD, enough to op a show anyway!

Just my 2p....


He's only offered me 10 mins...... it'll be a speed learning course ** laughs out loud **.

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