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Nexo TD controller Sensitive Sub Gain


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I am a technician in the music department of West College Scotland. We've had our PA set up of Nexo PS15's with TD controller and Camco Tecton 38.4 amps for a couple of years now. The system mostly sits in a large teaching lab but has been out to external events a few times and has been operating well.


I have noticed however when checking some dodgy connections between the amps and controller that the SUB Gain control on the controller is ultra sensitive. Initially I thought we'd lost connection to the subs but on turning this up a little the sub suddenly cranks up. On turning it down it very quickly shuts off altogether. I'm not sure if this is indicative of the sensor connections being dodgy or if its the controller pot that has the problem.


Does anyone recognise this issue?




Liz http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif

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Yes, this is a known issue. I suspect someone has hit the front of the pot at some point. We see this when users don't transport the controllers around in rack cases.


It's an odd style pot and you won't find it from your usual component supplier. However, we have these on stock - Part no: RPP160ZS47KA


If you give us a call on 01932 882222 we can organise to get one to you - if you still need it. Alternatively, we can fit the pot for you if you'd like to send it in to us.


Cleaning the pot probably won't help. You'll need a more permanent solution to this.


Hope this helps.






Gary Ashton, Technical Director, Fuzion Ltd




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