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Simple CAD software


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Hi All


I have just installed AutoCad 2005! And its hellish ** laughs out loud **!


Anyone know of something that is a little more user friendly! I am trying to plot my set designs





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Use the Blue Room Search function (top right of every page) and search for TurboCAD - there's been lots of discussion about it on the forum, and in terms of price, features and ease of use you'll have to go a long way to find better.
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eye, but isnt AutoCAD also a product design program, or am I thinking of a different one?

C.A.D. = Computer Aided Design. AutoCAD is ... well, the clue is in the name! :( I'm not familiar with ProDesktop, so I don't quite know what Sam and yourself mean when you talk about a 'product design program' as opposed to a CAD program.

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Sorry its hard to describe- its more sort of a program you would use in schools for resistant materials or DT design.


Although it is strictly a CAD program it is really not suited to doing things like ground plans, set designs, lighting plans etc.


Hope this is clearer,



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Installing Autocad 2005 and then deciding you don't like it is an awfuly expensive mistake.


Bad luck.


Personaly I use Autocad LT and find it very powerful and more than capable of doing anything I throw at it. There was no way I could justify the expense of the full version but I don't think I need any of the 3D modling anyway.


I originaly learned on AutoSketch, which is an even more striped down version of Autocad. It did give me a start on the Autocad syntax though which has been a great help.


Good Luck.

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  • 1 year later...

I'll re-kindle an old thread to mention that today I discovered a bit of free software called "Google Sketchup" which can be downloaded from: http://sketchup.google.com/


I've only just started playing with it but initial impressions are that it can do some very interesting things in terms of 3D drawing/design. The UI seems pretty simple too, compared with the TurboCAD I'm more used to using.


There a set of "Film and Stage" components but, alas, these seem fairly useless though. However, the basic software may well be worth a play and certainly might find an application in schools and amateur theatre even if not as a fully pro tool.


On that note, I see Google is also selling a "Pro" version...but I have no idea if that's worth buying!



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That's an interesting development ...


Sketchup has been around for a long time (I've got an older version of it that I *ahem* found a couple of years ago, and it was very impressive back then so I can only imagine that it's got even better with time) - but when the heck did the Google corporate monster get its collective hands on the product?!

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