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DMX moving head issue


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Hello all

I'm new to the forum and in need of some advice

I have a martin freekie DMX controller and 2x imove 5 and 1 imove 50s plus 4 led par cans

Whilst programming a small show when I use the macro circle only 2 if the movers respond to it the 3rd doesn't

But when I set the DMX value to 1 the same as the first mover it works any ideas the other 2 work fine

Also is there a way to fade the led par cans from one colour to another is thus possible with the freekie ?

I'm pretty new to DMX


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Hi Andy,

Welcome to the forum.

I think your problem stems from the fact that the Imove 5 only uses 5 control channels, whereas the 50S uses 8 (or 11) - with pattern generators, they usually require all fixtures to be the same type, or at least have channel assigns that map onto each other - so you'll have to program your lights as 2 separate groups - even though one group will only have one fixture in it!

I'm not familiar with the specific desk you mention, perhaps others can help with fader programming.

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Green alien

I don't quite follow

The 1st moving head in the chain is the imove 5 then imove 50s and finally imove 5

The first two respond correctly to the macro even thou they are different fixtures the 3rd one doesn't unless it's addressed to channel one Like the 1st if that makes sense

I don't think the DMX controller martin freekie Is able to put the fixtures in groups

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Green alien

I don't quite follow

The 1st moving head in the chain is the imove 5 then imove 50s and finally imove 5

The first two respond correctly to the macro even thou they are different fixtures the 3rd one doesn't unless it's addressed to channel one Like the 1st if that makes sense

I don't think the DMX controller martin freekie Is able to put the fixtures in groups


DMX channels are sent sequentially, one after another. The macro is probably based on the imove5 fixture, so is using 5 channels; the first 2 Freekie channels control the pan and tilt of the first fixture (which is presumably set to recieve on channel 1), Freekie channels 6 and 7 control the pan and tilt of the second fixture, which is presumably on channel 6, and it's trying to use channels 11 and 12 to control the pan and tilt of the third fixture - but the second fixture has 8 (or 11) channels, not 5, so it can't map correctly, as I guess you have the third device set to channel 15 (or 18)

How about if you put the 2 move5's first in the chain, then the 50s last - does that make any difference? Set the first imove 5 to channel 1, the second one to channel 6 and the 50S to channel 11 and see what happens.


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Thanks so much for your reply

I understand what you mean now

The lights are assigned channel 1. 13 25 and finally I have 4 par LEDs on 37

The freekie allocates 12 channels per fixture regardless of how many are actually used so I wouldn't be able to address. Them the way you suggested

I could however place the movers as you suggested so the imove 50s is as the end and see if that works and re assign the fixtures what do you think


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Give it a go - it's surprising how many problems with lighting rigs can be solved by just swapping fixtures about, sometimes the 'downstream' signal from a fixture can get corrupted and putting the 'rogue' fixture at the end of the chain can solve the problem. Try the 50S after the 2 imove5 fixtures, then after the LEDs as well - let us know how you get on. It's also worth making sure your chain is properly terminated.
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I will try that and let you know this weekend after my gig

I don't have a terminator as I've misplaced it so that could be another reason as the colours on th imove 5 have not indexed correctly but they are a bit old now

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