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Pointe Vs. Sharpy


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Ok, so last week I had a job using 12 Pointes...


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear.. Soooooo bright. In fact, I had to use them mostly at 60& on the fader as on full would of burned everyones eyes out.


Not so hot on the tints as with a Sharpy - but then, I can live with that!!


Sorry CP. I love all your other fixtures and will continue to use them whenever possible, but for the 'sharpy fixture' its all about the Pointe now.



Other users comments, thoughts etc ?

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Too late to the market? I dont think so, as they are so different / much better. As was the LEDWash 600, pretty late to market but a step above the rest....


Just my 2pence but I do have a vested interest, as with several other rental companies, we are finding the Pointe's are in high demand. LD's are specifying them all over the place.

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