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Yamaha 02r routing adat routing


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Hi all,

I have an 02r on FoH duties and would like to use my g5 and 002r tower to record shows (16ch).


I have 2x ADAT cards in the 02r.

One in slot 1 which has direct outs 1-8 assigned to it and is connected to the adat in of the 002r. (No problems there)


My issue is this.


Having no mic pre's (or phantom) on Channels 9-16 I bought an Ada 8000 and although this unit is capable of running both AD and DA converters simultaneously it appears the digital io routing options of the 02r won't let me do so.

I can use the ada 8000 pre's for channels 9-16 by connecting ada8000 to the adat in when the card is in slot 4 OR I can use the ada8000 to convert direct outs 9-16 to analogue ready for analogue inputs on the 02r by connecting ada8000 to adat out when the card is in slot 3. With one card in either slot I'm only using half of the functionality. Frustrating! I am reluctant to buy another adat card to use half of it, when I'm only using half of this one.


I have noticed that when the card is in slot 4 utilising the pre's, I can route the busses to the card for DA conversion but these are post fade and Dynamics. Any way of changing this to a direct out??


Please advise!

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From your description, are you using MY8AT cards? If so, what are your chances of trading in and going for MY16AT? Then you should be able to use one card for inputs and the other for outputs (assuming you can come up with a Wordclock scheme to run everything.


Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you're out of luck.

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From your description, are you using MY8AT cards? If so, what are your chances of trading in and going for MY16AT? Then you should be able to use one card for inputs and the other for outputs (assuming you can come up with a Wordclock scheme to run everything.


Otherwise, I'm pretty sure you're out of luck.


Thanks for your reply.


Yes you are correct, MY8AT's in at present. one more MY8AT or trade for MY16AT's is the only solution I think and possibly another ada8000 as well to replace the pre's on 1-8. I just hoped there would be a way of routing a Pre Fade signal to the busses to lower costs.





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I haven't had an 02R in front of me since about 2001 so don't take this as gospel but I'm pretty sure you can't route pre fade to buses--auxes obviously yes, but I don't think buses.


AFAIK there is no way on any Yamaha digital console to send a prefade signal to a group bus. With any ADAT card you should be able to use all the inputs and all the outputs simultaneously. Within the console you can patch group or aux bus outs, or input channel direct outs to any output port. Slot input ports do not have mic pres, so you will need to use the ADA8000 to get 8 additional mic pres in through the MY card.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I haven't had an 02R in front of me since about 2001 so don't take this as gospel but I'm pretty sure you can't route pre fade to buses--auxes obviously yes, but I don't think buses.


AFAIK there is no way on any Yamaha digital console to send a prefade signal to a group bus. With any ADAT card you should be able to use all the inputs and all the outputs simultaneously. Within the console you can patch group or aux bus outs, or input channel direct outs to any output port. Slot input ports do not have mic pres, so you will need to use the ADA8000 to get 8 additional mic pres in through the MY card.





Im pretty sure slots one and two are exclusively for the analogue inputs (1-16) and slots 3 and 4 are for the Digital inputs (17-32) again exclusively, meaning I cant use any one port with my MY8 card and my ADA8000 to add mic preamps to channels 9-16 and 8 adat returns to channels 25-32. DOH!

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Im pretty sure slots one and two are exclusively for the analogue inputs (1-16) and slots 3 and 4 are for the Digital inputs (17-32) again exclusively, meaning I cant use any one port with my MY8 card and my ADA8000 to add mic preamps to channels 9-16 and 8 adat returns to channels 25-32. DOH!


I don't think this is accurate. AFAIK, the slots can be patched as required, subject to the capabilities of the Mini-YGDAI cards you own. See chapter six of the manual.

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