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Midi to Art-Net converter


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Hi Guys,


If someone of have ever tried to use a midi device with GrandMA (onPC) it is a pain. You need a tool which translates CC events to notes, because GMA doesn't understand CC's. You also need local loop-back software which adds some more midi ports for forwarding the converted events to GMA. Of course this all is hard to configure.


Here is the solution:


I'm developing a converter which takes the midi events and converts them to an Art-Net universe. Of course it is really easy to configure. You can also use this software with other (lighting) software which understands Art-Net. It also can uses with real desks/systems.


To show you the possibilities take a look at this video.




A test version can downloaded here: Bernd Ott's Midi to Art-Net converter


Provide some feedback to this beta software, please.


This could be a "just works" or feature wishes for my software.




On September 1th will be a free version available on the same page.

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