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Wholehog 2 : screens problem on boot.. help please ?


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At boot, my Wholehog 2 hangs like that:




The screens are unreadable and the boot fails even after several on/off... argh !

Of course , I opened it and every contact or ribbon was checked, but it remains the same.

Today, after 10 minits, it finally worked, in normal boot.



I'm worried ! I need this console for my work and any help would be highly appreciated.



Have you ever seen this issue and do you please know how to get rid of it ?





Many thanks http://forums.highend.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

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I've had problems with the graphics cards on Hogs, and friends who have had the same issue on the 3's, drop me a PM and I'll see if I can put you in contact with someone who may know a little more about the issue than me.




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I've had problems with the graphics cards on Hogs, and friends who have had the same issue on the 3's, drop me a PM and I'll see if I can put you in contact with someone who may know a little more about the issue than me.





Tks, I can't wait !!! :)

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