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Stairville invader desk


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Hi guys and galls,

Iv have had the Stairville invader desk for a year and a half now and still haven’t found how the flash buttons work, Ok, im at the age where brain cells are dying quicker than they are being replaced, and im having a real bleach blond moment. Can anyone enlighten me please? I program the desk but the closest I get to flash buttons are when I select one of the 20 buttons and I get a scene, the scene stays on when I release the button and is replaced when I push another button, the original scene button stays on though the scene is superseded. This means I have to push one button on and then push one off or after a short time all buttons are gradually used. Can someone tell me will this desk operate with just flash buttons (push on release off) or is it just a scene swap only operation?

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I assume you've got the manual? http://images5.thomann.de/pics/atg/atgdata/document/manual/c_234719_en_online.pdf


I've only skimmed through it (and don't know much about modern desks as I don't have wiggly lights!) but there doesn't appear to be anything there about using them as "flash" buttons, only to recall scenes and chases as you've already found.

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With a conventional lighting desk a Flash button is located directly underneath the fader it is associated with. Depending on the desk mode, it may flash a channel or flash a scene.


What you have is a scanner desk developed for disco work, but can be used for theatre with a skilled operator as they are cheap compared to moving light desks. Not practical for inexperienced operators in theatre.


All of the push buttons in the coloured areas of your desk are latching as in push on push off and can be programed as a single light or a scene or a chase or what you want it to be. This allows you to build up complex scenes which could be a mix of dimmers and movers.


These "scanner" style desks are very powerful once you learn how to program. Provided you have a full range of effects recorded you can busk with them easily. It helps to work out what effects you want grouped together when working out what pages to program them on to. One common feature of these scanner desks is the strobe and smoke buttons. Some had a joystick, now most have encoder wheels.


There are youtube videos available if you want to see what this desk can do.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I assume you've got the manual? http://images5.thoma...9_en_online.pdf


I've only skimmed through it (and don't know much about modern desks as I don't have wiggly lights!) but there doesn't appear to be anything there about using them as "flash" buttons, only to recall scenes and chases as you've already found.


Thanks for that , I guessed that may have been the case, I solved the prob by getting a cheap juggler desk to do the flashing. I think ill just use it for the movers from now on that way I will just program scenes.

Regards Andy


With a conventional lighting desk a Flash button is located directly underneath the fader it is associated with. Depending on the desk mode, it may flash a channel or flash a scene.


What you have is a scanner desk developed for disco work, but can be used for theatre with a skilled operator as they are cheap compared to moving light desks. Not practical for inexperienced operators in theatre.


All of the push buttons in the coloured areas of your desk are latching as in push on push off and can be programed as a single light or a scene or a chase or what you want it to be. This allows you to build up complex scenes which could be a mix of dimmers and movers.


These "scanner" style desks are very powerful once you learn how to program. Provided you have a full range of effects recorded you can busk with them easily. It helps to work out what effects you want grouped together when working out what pages to program them on to. One common feature of these scanner desks is the strobe and smoke buttons. Some had a joystick, now most have encoder wheels.


There are youtube videos available if you want to see what this desk can do.

Thanks , ive solved the problem by incorporating a juggler as a flash desk so to speak, and now just use this for the movers and LED's, Its a handy cheap desk but just forgot that since the old days things have moved on somewhat and I havent!. I just made the presumption that it would allow me to flash, silly me!

Regards Andy

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