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Truss Bar Attached


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I have a requirement from my LD to rig some trussing for a touring rig that will be going upstage centre to downstage pros arches (two separate pieces of trussing) Now trussing is 100% not my forte and I will be calling in a specialist on this but this is just a very early stage quick sanity check or more than likely me to go and slap my LD round the back of the head and tell him he is being an idiot. This rig will be in and out in a day in a venue and we are hoping to pre wire the trussing etc to make the rig up very easy in each venue. Now some of the venues will be easy for trussing with a nice easy accessible grid and lovely I beams etc. My question is around venues where the grid is less than accessible. Is it at all possible to rig the trussing to the fly bars? If so what are the down sides and what are the things I should be making sure DONT happen when my team do this?


As I say I will be bringing in a specialist but as we are only in early design stages I figured I would ask the collective knowledge base of BR before I scrap this idea completely or go too far down a route that is going to cause us issues in some venues.


Thanks in advance.



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It completely depends on venue, I know a venue that will often under hang the motors for touring productions under there lighting bars, its very handy as the in house guys bring in there truss attach slings round the bar next to there motors and onto the motors for touring production, and then take there LX bars out to the grid, and leave touring production to it. but the venue I am talking about have massively overrated motors and points.
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There is something holding the grid and fly system up. Rig from that. Fly bars will be weight limited by the size of the counter weight cradles and the 'fly bar' point load rating.
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As Rigger says really. In most (if not all) venues you should be able to rig direct to the grid or the beams above it. Many venues have rigging solutions/hanging points that you can move around in the grid to suit your needs. Some venues you are restricted to the pre designated hanging points.


I would pay someone to carry out some good pre prod work to work out these and other things. You could task your rigging specialist to do this and find out other relevent info (power location, load in access restrictions etc) at the same time. This is definitely money well spent as it saves a lot of head scratching on the morning of your load ins !!


hope that helps.



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