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C-Venues Staff


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I've been accepted onto the technical staff for C-Venues at the Edinburgh Fringe this year, and I'm just really asking what other people's experiences have been...either with C-Venues or the Fringe in general http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


I've been twice now as audience, but never as a tech; so what can I expect? C-Venues supply accommodation, so what is it like? It says they pay 'minimal expenses', so how minimal and roughly how much should I expect to be spending on food/drink? Is there anything you wished you'd brought with you; anything you wished you hadn't etc.


I'm looking forward to it, as I love the Fringe...I'm just not sure what to expect.

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I absolutely love working at the fringe - it's great fun, and you can see a lot of really good shows (and a lot of really bad shows). I work for another venue which is really good fun. During the run of the fringe the work isn't particularly tough most of the time (with a few exceptions), but the get-in and out can be a bit tiring. Food and drink costs depend on what you eat and drink... Not sure what C will pay you for that.
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Never done c-venues although there are a good view c-venues vets that post on here (and very nice folks they are too). I do know my old flat gets used as accomodation for some of the crew so at least some of the places they use are nice..


As for the fringe in general I normally try to work every hour humanly possible because september and october are normally quite dead, in the past during build up and breakdown I've put in 22 hours a day, slept on flight cases or under stages and survived on junk food and coffee. Everywhere in Edinburgh puts their prices up during the fringe and sadly some places don't lower them afterwords. oh and give youself plenty of time to get anywhere because the place will be heaving with tourists, buses are hell at festival time so prey your accomodation is walking distance.


I'd reccomend all the usual stuff about good boots, clothes for all weathers, sharp knife etc etc but just make sure you are prepared for long days.. I'd also recomend something decent to read for all the boring parts of the day. Flints have a nice wee popup shop which is well worth a visit.

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Hi Charlie


I'm the Head of Production at C, so I'm sure we'll meet soon. It's great fun and really good experience.


Drop me a message if any questions, make sure you sign up to the c venues staff group on facebook (I think the office should be sending you a link if they haven't already) and it will give you the chance to meet people and ask questions of past staff etc etc.





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