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Midas Training

Rob Hughes

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Hi guys,


Just a quick message to say that we have 3 new dates on the Midas website for some 1 day training courses in the UK. The dates are 28th, 29th and 30th May, and are all 1 day CMDU courses. There is no cost, and lunch is provided, all you have to do is register yourself at www.midasconsoles.com/pro-training-courses.php and get yourself to Kidderminster for the day.


Please note that these will be the last courses we run until September.


I hope to see some of you later in the month.

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Any plans for some up in Manchester Rob?


Hi Chris,


Unfortunately not, as we have a large demo room fitted with around 10 consoles all networked together, which makes the training much more hands on and practical for those attending. We currently don't have anything like this set up in Manchester.

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Are there any two day courses coming up?


Nick Boulton

BCS Audio


Hi Nick,


We are not running any 2 day CMDSE currently, but we are looking at starting a few courses up again after the summer months, once festival season has passed. Keep your eyes peeled on the website, but I will also post up here once we have them scheduled.

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Im also eagerly awaiting the 2 day- Im becoming something of a regular pro2 user these days, Im sure the one day would teach me one or two tricks but im already at the point of being able to teach the bands engineers enough to get by.. its the system tech type day that I feel I could really benefit from
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I can certainly give the thumbs up to the 2 day course.


That curry place we went to was great. Oh, and we learnt loads about the consoles too.


every single person I know who has done that course mentioned the curry place, im starting to think theres no possible way it can live up to expectations now

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