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Spray it again!


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Something that's never happened before! A hirer returned half a dozen CCT Minuettes to us, saying that in the end they hadn't used them. We bunged them back in the stores. About a week later they were due out again. PAT testing and so on we noticed they looked very clean. Further investigation revealed that the hirer had resprayed them during the hire! (This isn't such a boon and a blessing as you might think, as the overspray has gone into places that CCT didn't know the Minuette had!) .... So we turned them on, and, guess what, the smell of burning paint and the outside of the lanterns went sticky.

When we asked the hirer what they'd used they told us they'd used Plastikote 'Woodburner' black. This is supposed to be heat resistant. But, it seems that to cure properly it should be baked on within eight hours of application. We are making enquiries with Plastikote direct, but this seems to be the problem.

Does anyone out there know for sure the operating temperature of a CCT Minuette? (yes we know, hotter than you can hold when up a ladder).

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Does anyone out there know for sure the operating temperature of a CCT Minuette? (yes we know, hotter than you can hold when up a ladder).


Don't have a minuette to hand, but a minim has a maximum surface temperature of 210 and I guess they're comparable. That said, a PAR can can get over 300 so ...





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