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Mid/high speakers


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Been doing some searches on this forumand haven't really come up with much so I figured I'd just ask:

I've got some reasonably large subs (about 7-8k) and I'm looking for some mid/high cabinets to compliment them with. The subs range up to about 440Hz.

Any suggestions/ideas would be great



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Sorry I should've said that already - I will consider most things, d&b I reckon is about as expensive as I would want to get, however it's probably slightly out of my range so I would rather go for something cheaper.

By the way, the system is used primarlily for DJs and bands (and is on the move rather than in an installation).

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If you're dealing with DJ's - is that dance/trance style dj's?


for this style Funktion One seem to be increasing with popularity. (Though some people have been questionning the reliability? - or so I some people at plasa were, anyway).


Having said this, I know some people who are very impressed with this stuff.


"Apparently" they have past links with Turbosound building their speakers etc(?)


What is the brand and spec of your existing large subs? then maybe we could help even more to suggest a complimentary system.


Mr. Si

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Legend got in moments before me to recommend Meyer...lovely sounding speakers.


Just a comment, but 440 Hz sounds a bit high for the crossover frequency though...generally I'd keep it much lower than that (around 125 Hz) to use the subs just for the visceral "thump" and avoid having a crossover right in the middle of the vocal range.



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I have used funktion one stuff in the past, and I must say it is very impressive. The speakers are extremely lightweight for the power and volume they provide.


They are very popular for dance music but are also very well suited to any other function. Only problem is they tend to be very expensive so maybe out of your budget.

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Just a comment, but 440 Hz sounds a bit high for the crossover frequency though...generally I'd keep it much lower than that (around 125 Hz) to use the subs just for the visceral "thump" and avoid having a crossover right in the middle of the vocal range.


Agreed; I usually don't bring the subs up above 150Hz on the crossover (I just said 440 because that's the mnufacturers stated range so technically I could if I really had to) - I think it's a more efficient use of the subs if you don't set the crossover too high.


I've had a look around the Meyer Sound and Funktion One websites and I do like the look of them both. What price range are these in?

Thanks for all the suggestions so far.

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Well I know that the funktion one cabs run in the region of about £7k a pair


Is that for a piar of Res 2's ?


Sounds like they're now off my list too!



Umm not too sure of the model, will look it up and confirm. Bearing in mind that is also the discounted price!


Edit: No that price if for the Res 4s, not sure how much the Res 2's are. Oh and the link with turbosound is that Funktion one is basically all the old founders of turbosound who moved away from the company when they sold it.

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