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Zero 88 Chilli dimmer


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Hi All,


I have a Chilli dimmer rack that is saying 'Temp: No Val' after start up.


The identical dimmer next to it says the same thing but then reads 'Temp: OK'.


Do I have a dead temperature sensor, and if so, can anyone let me know the part number so I can replace it?





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There appears to be more than one Temperature Sensor involved - there's one per triac board.


The fun is going to be identifying which one has failed - I've never had the issue so can't give any help but I suspect Keith/Zero's response would be "Get your local service centre to have a look - it may not be the temp sensor anyway". I'm guessing the triac boards are going to have to come out to de-solder the sensor which I believe to be a trial in itself :P

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So a quick chat with Keith at Zero 88 has given me the answer:


Enter the code and then check the readings for the temperature sensors, labelled T1L (LH side) and T1R (RH side). It is likely that one of the sensors is reading 0, and this is the faulty sensor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

For future reference, the temperature sensors in a Chilli rack are:




RS part number: 533-5907


Sadly, for me, this did not work. I am still investigating the problem, and will post back if I get a solution.


These dimmers are fairly old (circa 2001), running firmware v1.04 (I think, will check tomorrow) and the post above is irrelevent, as this firmware version does not support it.

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Depending on who installed/supplied the Chilli's - they may be able to get Keith to come up to site to blow new firmware and give the racks a once over. Don't forget to have sugar handy to put in Keith's coffee - he won't drink it without :P
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