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Avolites Pearl 2000 Simulator


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can any 1 help I'm looking for the Avolites Pearl 2000 Simulator the link to it on the avo website is not working, can only get the pearl 2004 one.


does any one have the install file lieing around??


thanks in advance



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AFAIK the 2000 and 2004 are exactly the same, its just an internal hardware change, and a facelift on the outside. They operate the same software, and show files can be transferred from one to another.


Here is the regestration form for Pearl Simulator 1.2 (which is the 2000 version, not 2004).

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I downloaded the 2004 simulator last week, and it seems very similar to the Pearl 2000 desk I've used in 'real-life'. A few menu changes etc. It's also well worth downloading the Visualiser software, since this will let you see what you are doing on the desk, and is great for learning the console.



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peter  Posted Today, 12:48 PM

  AFAIK the 2000 and 2004 are exactly the same, its just an internal hardware change, and a facelift on the outside. They operate the same software, and show files can be transferred from one to another.

Not so. The software in the 2004 has had several features upgraded. The 2004 manual is the place to look.


You can now have several pages of preset focuses, and they're now called palettes

Palettes can now be accessed from the softkeys

Everything can be labelled, as in the Azure, which obviously helps when loading a show you saved earlier and someone has ripped off all your tape and markings.

Chases can include shapes.


plus some other stuff...

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They can run the same software - 2004 consoles can run 2000 builds, and vice versa, but the latest versions (2004 v1 for the sim and 2004 v1.1 for the actual consoles) are the most stable and by far the best to run. The consoles themselves look different but internally are fairly similar.


I'd strongly suggest that you don't download the linked 2000 simulator software, but the 2004 one you found earlier, simply because it's far more stable, has far fewer bugs in it, and works much more like the actual desks. v1.2 has some fairly major problems when you try and program anything on it.



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