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Gobo holder for selecon zoomspot 650


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Hello ! So ... I have 2 of these lamps (Selecon zoomspot 650's) and would like to use a break-up gobo in a show in the near future. I can buy the gobo holder online, no great problem there, but I would have expected there to have been some kind of housing or carriage for the gobo frame to slot into ... but there is nothing, other than a great big space, on front of the gates, that I could drop the frame into ... but it hardly makes for accurate focussing, and the frame isn't secure, which means (although, of course, the lamp should not be mounted anywhere close to upside down) that the frame couild just 'fall out'. Can anyone advise ?


Thanks !





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What you should see inside the gate is 2 small runners where the gobo holder slots/slides in to. This keeps it secure and staple so the holder doesn't move once you've focused it. These sliders will only be a few mm in width - just a little wider than the gobo holder.


Hope this helps



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Hi, Paul. Yeah ... thats what I expected to find, but there's nothing there ! What there IS, though, and this must be it, is a couple of 'lugs' that protrude very slightly from the front of the gate casing ... these must be designed to hold the gobo frame, as I can't think that they could be of any other use at all ! They just seem a little inadequate, I suppose, but, given the absence of anything else, I can only imagine these mush be what hold things in place ! Thanks for getting in touch ! Great website this ! I have posted a few enquiries on here over the years, and they always get answered ! Excellent ! Thanks again, and best wishes !
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