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dynacord problem


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hope someone can help here ...I have a dynacord powermate1000 ... this is the setup I have ...mini disc plugged in ...and 1 mic ...using mcgregors speakers


I am solo artist ..


the prob I have is the music from mini disc is sounding fine but when I plug mic in the voice sounds low, muffled even if I have it on loud ...its a sennheiser radio mic but even pluggin a leaded mic in its still the same ..ive even tried a different channel

hope someone can give advice on this

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How's your channel EQ set? Make sure nothing's inserted. Maybe take out the so-called "Voice Filter" for the time being and listen to your voice on PFL, maybe over a headphone. How does it sound?
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All good suggestions. Use PFL to adjust the gain knob on your channel so you see a good level on the mixer's meters. Turn off the voice filter button. Set all the EQ to the 12 o'clock position.


However, a question? How are you judging the sound from your mic(s)? It's notoriously difficult to judge how your own voice sounds via a PA when you're performing live. It's even more difficult if you're trying to judge from the main FOH speakers (which'll be facing away from you) rather than dedicated monitors. You might be better asking the opinion of somebody you trust who can stand out in the audience area.

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