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My school is is having a production where the the stage and two floor areas will be used for "staging". We normally use a homebuilt wired talk back system - think Theatre Comm style.

Has anyone any real experience of using FaceTime as a way of getting a simple wire free mic/headset walk-a-about, so the director can move around the performance areas and still talk to me in the sound and light control cabin - think box a the back of the hall.

The audience will be required to stand and move around from one performance area to another.Yes, there will be chairs available for those less mobile - Granny comes to mind. School has good wi-fi service/coverage.


I accept there may be a slight delay as the signals wing their way around.



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experience of radios is that when you transmit they go schhschhhh and he wants to be near to each area where there will be audience.



quote name='smalljoshua' timestamp='1363438524' post='468106']

Slight? My experience is between 1 and 2 seconds on Facetime, Skype and the likes. Is there any reason, if your director is that desperate to be mobile that you can't use a radio?






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FaceTime would work - although I'd find the delay VERY annoying, and he will have to wear an earpiece anyway, and hold the thing close to his mouth to whisper instructions - so rather pointless. The other really important thing is reliability. Batteries on mobiles when running continuously seem very short life. Why complicate something that could be simple?
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1363439976[/url]' post='468109']

Use a radio with an ear-piece then if that's the case. There are many cases where standard two way radios are used in environments where them blaring out for all to hear would be bad! Security being one of them.




Hello Josh, think you may have the solution to radio schhschhhh using headphones.No experience of using them to date but will have by this afternoon.



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Hire in a proper comms system for the show - with one wireless system, and use the basestation in the booth for you to have wired comms.

No point re-inventing the wheel.



If this is that important to the Director then it has to be properly budgeted for.

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