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Help wanted - Reviews on Stagelink - Win a Maglite

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Hi there,


I'm spending quite alot of time editing and moving links in the Stagelink website.

Two requests;

1) I'd appreciate it if people could have a search for their favourite suppliers and PM me if they are missing. I can then slowly work my way through the missing ones and add them.


2) Reviews - People are now starting to add reviews of some sites, but I could do with lots more. If you have a particularly good supplier you'd recommend others to use, spend five minutes and tell us why.

Did they help out beyond what you'd expect?

Did they come and repair / swop out something that was broken?

Did they treat you well?


You need to register as a user first (sorry but thats the Data Protection Act for you), and then find a link and click the "Review It" link just below the description.


I'm offering a Wavicle engraved Mini Maglite with seperate Opalec NewBeamâ„¢ LED conversion kit to the first person who completes twenty useful reviews.




The winner will be announced in this thread.





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