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Scaffolding Courses

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Well, I took my scaffolding and ladder course yesterday... three hours of theory and talking about death. Really filled me with confidence. Finally got onto the practical, was great fun. But now apparently I have to be supervised when assembling and during use as I'm a juveneil under the age of 18. This sucks... Is it true?
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Sadly, and as someone who started working at the age of 15 (you could then) I am sympathetic, but it is true.


The 'Management Regs' and Young Persons legislation state you are a 'young person' between 16 and 18 and cannot be exposed to serious risk at work.

You can learn to do the work under close supervision where risks can be controlled, but still not where you may risk an injury.


All to do with 'life skills' and 'risk appetite'.

When you are young and keen, you'll do anything to get the job (you love) done.

When young, you don't know or appreciate the consequences of the risks you are taking. Think of fast motorcycles, etc. - ask your Mum!

Shame but you can understand the point - more and more the older you get...

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sadly, the answer is - as you no doubt expected - yes. Actually, the danger is greater during the 'operation' stage rather than the erect/dismantle phases - so it makes sense, really. The problem is mainly that 18 is the legal age of responsibility - so if you aren't responsible, somebody else will be, and it could 'fall on their head' (sorry!)


There isn't a solution to this - this is why we are getting schools cancelling football, no snowball etc etc as they are legally responsible and the insurance companies are getting frightened. Don't forget the teacher in prison when someone under his care died - it can get that serious when things go wrong.


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