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MagicQ patch change oddity


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While using MagicQ to program a show last night, about half way through I noticed that two lamps (just lanterns on dimmer channels) were back to front, so I went to the Patch and switched their DMX addresses round. The head numbers were unaffected.


What I then noticed was that neither of the swapped lanterns were appearing in the cues that I had recorded. When I then included a cue back into the programmer, the lanterns lit for the period that the programmer contained the cue and then went out as soon as I cleared the programmer and went back to the cue proper. I then tried to record new cues using those lamps and they lit when requested while programming, but as soon as I stored the cue and played it, the lamps refused to join in.


I came away confused and loaded the show file on another system this morning - and the outputs now look as though they are behaving as required. I'm hoping that it was just a glitch that will be resolved once the system in the theatre is newly powered up, but with the opening show tonight, I would just like to be armed with some ideas/clues as to what might be the problem.


Anyone else seen this problem when the patch is altered part way through a job?

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