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Z88 Elara... not a theatre stacked desk...


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Ok, I know this has been discussed before and I have been reading previous topics… the Z88 Elara console doesn’t have a theatre stack does it (well I know it doesn’t but is there anyway you can use the desk and the subs in a way that simulates this, I doubt it but as I don’t know the desk I don’t know)? So would be impractical for use on a pre cued show? It only has 24 subs doesn’t it?



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I have used the elara for 4 different shows, and it worked ok,

but it wasnt a massive cue show

but if you lose power to the board helf way through (like I did) when you regain power, you have to go from preset to run, this means the lights temporaraly goin off, not nice! :D

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It sounds like you did not have recovery mode on ! ;)


If Recovery Mode is On - the desk will start in the mode that it was in when it was switched off, except if it was in SUPER USER Mode, in which case it will start in PROGRAM mode.


If Recovery Mode is Off - the desk will start in the Default State.

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