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Strand Palette OS - Fixtures Missing In Library - Help


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Morning All,

Currently using a Strand Palette VL. Got a show coming up in a couple of weeks that I have got 20 Robe Robin 100's and 20 Robe Robin 300's on hire for.


Now, the fixture library contains the the Robin 300's, so I will be able to plug and patch these easily, but it has nothing for the 100's. Now, on I have never patched attributes myself on the Palette OS and I can't imagine its particularly easy...


Does anyone have a contact at Strand UK (not on website, Europe only) that I may be able to ask fo have the fixtures added? I'm on the newest Palette OS 10.8.5 but it still does not have the Robin 100. Has anyone requsted fixture listings to be created by Strand before?


Is there anything anyone can suggest? Any other Robe unit with the exact attribute parameters to the 100??


Many thanks in advance,


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