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Stage Manager/Assistant Director

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Hi All

I am about to begin rehearsals for 'Honk! The Musical' as Assistant Stage Manager and Assistant Director.

Firstly, we need to create a minimalistic set, that is low cost and can be adapted for many different locations.

Most scene changes and locations will be show through lighting changes and sound, but we were considering making the locations out of farm equipment as the musical is about farm animals.

We need to create a cottage, a farm, a forest, a lake, a pond, a ducks nest, and flying (without using wires).

I know it is a big ask, but with the amount of knowledge here is incredible and has been so helpful in the past.

Any suggestions will be welcome and take on board.

Thank you.

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I worked on a production of Honk! earlier this year. If you're going for minimlistic, is there any chance of painting the stage floor or laying a painted cloth? If you just go for a blue floor with lots of gren speckling then that can be lit to suggest water, grass or nothing much (for the interiors). Then with a cyc to do your skylines, plus a set of black tabs to back your cottage scene, all you need is a few bits of props and furniture that you can bring on scene by scene (best to get the cast to move things as part of the blocking) and it should be quite easy, I'd have thought.
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