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DMX Contoller


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I am new to this game, I am a mobile disco DJ in the UK.

I have just bought a JC-1 Junior / Baby contoller. In Germany it's from www.glp.de in the uk it from http://www.prolight.co.uk/product_more_inf...dnProductID=412.


The manual you get with this is a bit thin!


What is the difference in technical terms from a Scene, a page and a Program.


I guess this is an easy question...but I dont know the answer!

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Ok, right… well on most memory desks… a page is usually a memory assign of a collection of scenes/programmes to the submasters which are sliders which control memories… so your 4 submasters on you desk (the sliders) can be used to control 24 pages which each have 4 scenes each (meaning you desk can control 96 memorys)…


So to your original question…


A Scene is a static memory of the desk output (DMX in your case) so for instance you might have scene with say two lights on and a mover pointing at the ceiling…


A Program is a moving memory or sequence (if that makes sense) usually in the form of a chase (it can take other forms but for you desk this will be about it) which is when the desk automatically moves between a set of scenes a varying speeds... for instance you could programme a moving light to move from position a to b then to c then back to b then it would start the sequence all over again… with each a b c being a memory or scene… and on generics this is basically a sequence of flashing lights ect…


And a Page is a collection of sliders (submasters) which control the above…


I hope this helps and that I have explained okish (not a word :angry: ) without patronising (I hope :stagecrew:)… if you have anymore questions do post them… and if anyone feels they could make a better attempt at explaining please do…

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