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Scroller Problem

Ian der Laan

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I'm having problem with a rogue scroller. It's just spinning from one end of the gel string to the other regardless of whether or not it's connected to the DMX. It's 3rd in the chain and the other 3 are behaving themselves. We have reset the DMX address and scroll speed to no avail.


Any ideas please?


Thanks in advance.

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Two suggestions, the sensor is not picking up the scroll tabs. With my Colourset scrollers I sometimes leave the scroll out of the sensor guide after changing backplates. Other suggestion is a faulty microcontroller that is stuck in self test while looking for te tape sensor.
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Right, thanks for the answers.


Cable runs are 30m (ish). There's only 4 scrollers in the chain - the faulty one is 3rd. The DMX address has been checked and reset. The PSU is a Smartpower 200.

I'll get the scroller down and try retensioning the scroll looking at the sensor to make sure it looks cushty....


After a brew.




Thanks again.


Also, I should confess, there's no return cable from the final scroller. :o

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