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Chauvet Q-Wash 560Z-LED vs. Mac 250 Wash


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Hi All,


I'm currently looking to hire some fixtures, and have been offered two Chauvet Q-Wash 560Z-LED as a substitute for two Mac 250 Washes which are out of stock. Now whilst I'm sure that the company that has quoted wouldn't spec them as an alternative for what I'm doing if they weren't suitable, can anybody who has used the aforementioned fixtures advise on how they perform? The application is to add a splash of colour onto various scenes, and will be used in conjunction with a generic rig consisting of 1K Sil's, Starlettes, S4's etc etc. The venue is essentially a large studio theatre, throw distance can be anything between 7m-15m.







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I've used the Chauvets a little bit, I think they're cracking units! I've not done an A/B against discharge wash units but they're pretty bright.


Kit Lane has more experience with them including having used them in Derby Theatre, I'm sure he'll be along sooner or later to comment.



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I have the 560Zs in a rig with 575 washes, spots and 250 spots and I always have them at a reduced intensity. They are VERY bright. Zoom range is great and it's possible to get a really good tight beam out of them. A 575 wash can barely compete - a 250 wash will be blown away by it.


If its a hire unit, this shouldn't be a problem - but to be honest, in a tough environment they don't fare that well. LED chips die soon, lense cover cracks easily, menu can be a real pain and the DMX OUT connector doesn't lock! Whether the latter has been fixed in a newer revision of the fixture I don't know, but the units I have certainly don't lock which is a pain.



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The Chauvets are cracking little units. Half the price of the Martin equivalent, but they have had to cut costs somewhere. Joe highlights some of the shortcomings above. I hadn't noticed the lack of locking connector. I'll pop downstairs and check. The bottom end of the fade profile does drop off the cliff a bit and the security of the Omega clamps is starting to concern me. I don't think you need to worry about using them as a replacement for the 250 washes in a hire situation.
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When we got ours, we couldn't fit omega clamps at all! The units that arrived had clamps with locking nuts that were slightly too big so they have to go back to Chauvet to be "altered" (re-drilled) - I thought that was a bad sign of quality control procedures.


I checked last night and it's actually our DMX IN connectors that don't lock. I'd edit the post but on iPhone it's not the easiest task.


I do prefer a Martin/Robe/Clay Paky equivalent any day because I know I will receive a certain level of quality but as you say Kit, price is key here...



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