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Eos and Ion master/backup optimal set-up


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Hello all,


I am currently touring an Eos/Ion set-up as a master/backup and was wondering what the collective thinking about the configuration of the respective boards.


Currently the Eos is set to master and the Ion as backup, but would it be better to swap this arrangement?

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Why would you swap the config..? It's designed to work this way...


On a few occasions with other console platforms, the master desk was very busy not only being the master but performing other changes like repatching, constant commands and busy programming which made the desk lag. Switched the master to the smaller "backup" desk then using the bigger "main" desk as a client reduced performance issues. That way the programming desk was just remotely controlling the other, in programming it would have to be master and client then master and backup for show time.


I'd only consider changing the current set up if something is playing up. Thanks.

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With the Eos system, the best is usually for whichever console you're sat in front of to be the Backup.


That way, if you do need to 'fail over' to the backup console you're already sat in front of it.


It makes no other noticeable difference either way.

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Thanks Tomo, that makes sense.


I should add that we use a Net3 gateway, but we only use two lines of data, one to the house and one to our touring racks/data distribution.


We run like this so that if the Net3 falls over, we can re-plug data to the Ion's DMX ports. Does this have any bearing on our current set-up?

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We run like this so that if the Net3 falls over, we can re-plug data to the Ion's DMX ports.

That makes sense.


Although DMX Gateways just don't fall over, if the PSU and switch for the system is the Eos and somebody treads on its plug you'll be left with just the Ion.

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