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Faulty Robe ClubSpot 300CT, can you help?


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I have a new Robe ClubSpot 300CT that displays ‘rESE’ on the display before displaying the DMX address but there is no sound from the motors, the head does not move, the lamp will not strike and the fan in the base is not spinning. I have spoken with my dealer who suggested checking the fuses on the main PCB and the external fuse in the base but these are OK. My dealer has asked me to ship the fixture back to them for repair but I did not retain the original carton so am hoping to be able to solve the problem without having to ship it back.
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if the fan is not running, there is no 12 volt supply, if the motors do not start there is no 24 volt supply, if the display is showing messages the 5volt rail is working.

the lamp probably needs a command at the end of the start sequence so as the start sequence is not happening , the lamp will not light anyway.

best to check with a volt meter to see where these voltages are. they are sometimes on a different transformer to the 5 volt rail.

Sorry not familiar with the Robe head you have. But I have worked on the 575, and this has 3 rectifiers for the incoming voltages.

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