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RCF Active PA


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Hi All,


We've recently purchased a RCF active Pa (2x 312 tops and a 705as sub)


We've always used passive systems with built in crossovers so havent had to worry about cross over frequenices and levels.


My question to you is what frequency should I cross the sub over at, 80 or 120? Also where should we set the volume pot at on the subs and on the tops?


My reason for these questions is I used the PA for the first time properly on Saturday and the sub level was set at the very first notch so it didn't clip, does this sound like a fault or are the levels on the mixer set too high?


Any help once again is appreciated!





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Have you desk send out a good strong signal to start with, leaving some headroom for peaks ect, then turn up the ams/ speaker s untill it sounds nice and loud enough for the venue, we allways play the same cd that we know well to get a general balance of sub and top.main thing is dont clip your mixer on channels or main output.
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Thanks for the reply, my concern was I had the sub volume at the 8 o'clock mark as anything higher caused the limit light to come on, the tops were at the 1 o'clock mark do quite a big difference. Just wondering if there could be a fault with the sub?
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Hmm 8 o clock is a bit on the low side - there is a good chance there is an issue. What is the output volume like from the sub? At the point the 705 goes into clip it should be pretty noticeable that it is on! Make sure that the knob has been knocked off and replaced badly. Also make sure that the mic/line switches are in the right positions and test fully all cabling as sometimes a wrongly soldered XLR can cause all manner of issues in situations like yours.


If the sub is OK then you need to sort out your gain structure, or consider whether you have enough rig for the gig.




PS - perhaps

youtube vid might give an indication of what the normal bass level relative to top level achievable from this set up would be?
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Thanks Matt, I didn't think to check in case the knob had come off! The level was absolutely fine and there is no mic/line selector so don't think its that.

One thing I did notice was the right side was slightly lower than the left (volume wise) and the XLR cables I'm using are getting on a bit now.


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