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Martin P3 processor VNC


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Hello all,


I have a Martin P3 processor with 80 or so pannels of EC20- I'd quite like a way to VNC into it with my iPad so I can use the quick address tool without being next to the rack. Can anyone think of a way I could do this? I have downloaded the software to my laptop in the remote hope that it might find pannels, but it doesn't seem too!





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There is a PC version of P3 which can be downloaded from the Martin website... I have been using and working on a few iPad related projects for Martin and I have never seen anything that works with the P3. The PC version can probably be run on a tablet but not iPad for sure.


The one person who will know for sure is Wouter Verlinden @ Martin. If you go on to www.martin.com/forum there is a section for P3 and you can find his details there as well as obviously ask the same question which may get a better reply!



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