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HID-150 Alternative - Sillly Question?


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Firstly I'm sorry if this seems like a stupid or pointless question, but I was wondering if there was any sort of 'alternate' bulb which could be used with the HID model iMove 5s. Ive got two fixtures with dead bulbs and it's going to cost the best part of £120 just to replace 2 bulbs, which I know isn't a massive amount, but on the scale of things, considering there not being used to generate any income it seems difficult justifying spending this money on lamps.


The HID 'capsual' style bulbs seem to be much cheaper than the HID-150 reflector style the iMove 5s needs.


So to summarise, is there any cheaper alternative bulbs I could use which would work just as well OR does anyone know of a place where I can buy the HID bulbs for significantly less than £60 each.


Thanks in advance and I'm sorry if this seems like a silly question to you guys :D




Sorry just noticed I spelt silly with three l's in the title, and also, the lights accept wire screw terminals to attach the bulbs. Thanks

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One big advantage of the HID-150 is that the light source, reflector, and condenser lens is all in the one physical unit, and hence perfectly aligned. (This is a big improvement over, for example, the Miniscan HPE, where the lamp, reflector, and condenser are separate units which work themselves loose and rob you of light output).


If you can get an HTI-150 to work in the fixtures, you'll need to bodge a reflector and lens together and that is unlikely to be pretty.

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Thanks for the suggestions - with the LED conversion idea, the HID bulbs say there rated for 95v, so would I be ok running the 24v LED suggested in that thread? Wouldn't it fry it?


Also, I don't know a whole lot about LED's, do you have to wire the LED Driver into the screw termial where I would wire the blub in now, then connect the LED to that?





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The thread linked by don Allen above gives you the details, but it's a fairly major internal redesign... not just a case of wiring an led in place of the lamp.

Indeed. The HID lamp supply will put out thousands of volts when striking the lamp, so wiring an LED across this is not a good idea. I'm the guy that converted the Miniscans. When I made the conversion to LED I took out the ballast and ignitor for the HMI lamp and replaced it with a 24VDC power supply and two LED drivers which, as Tim said in the previous post, represents a significant internal redesign. Having said that though, I must say it wasn't that tricky to make the conversion as I ended up with plenty of space to work with once I'd removed the HMI lamp, ballast, and ignitor. However, converting to your iMoves to LED will most likely entail some optical design as its unlikely that your iMoves will have condensing optics in them.

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Having said that though, I must say it wasn't that tricky to make the conversion as I ended up with plenty of space to work with once I'd removed the HMI lamp, ballast, and ignitor.


Hang on a minute, didn't you design and fabricate an entire new internal chassis on your CNC milling machine?

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