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Etc express 125


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Don't know if anyone has come across this problem but during tonights show our etc express has started flashing ramdom times (as in the actual time) at me.


It was fine at the start of the evening but part way through it reset itself to midnight and then shortly afterwards just started putting random times up. When I go to the setup page it is also showing random dates (don't know if I've invented time travel but I found myself in 2042)


Has anyone come across this before and can you suggest what it might be? I'll ring ETC on monday but have another show tomorrow and am concerned that the desk might not switch on when I try it tomorrow.


Thanks in advance



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Does that desk have an internal battery thats on its way out?


To be honest that was my first thought, as the show is still happening in front of me I can't check that sort of thing (everything else appears to be working fine) will have to see if I can find out when the show finishes.





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