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Tas Prospot 250 (Robe Spot 250 XT copy)


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I've got a pair of used/slightly abused Tas Prospot 250's and I'm looking for what rating the fuses are on the main board - there's two.


If anyone has a copy of the service manual that would be handy too!


According to what was left in the unit, one of them is a 3.15a fuse - but I want to make sure that's the right one too.


Thanks in advance for any help! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif



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Hi Zak,


The TAS Prospot 250 is in fact the same fixture as the Robe Spot 250 XT (Might be some different colors ans gobos, but cant remember now as it has been a few years since I used any of them)

The main fuse is a 3,15A slow blow, but not sure what the fuses on the main board is. I want to say they are the same, but I'm not entirely sure. If you can get hold of the service manual for the Robe 250 XT, or Futurelight MH 660you should be able to find out from that. Might even be worth shooting an email off to Robe and ask them.

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Hi Spantax,


The main panel mounted fuse on the TAS Prospot 250 is actually a T6,3A fuse. When I put a 3,15A slow blow fuse on one of the main board fuse holders(call it fuse holder MB1), it blows after a few minutes and warms up a bit. However the other fuse(MB2) doesn't blow, which is also a 3,15A slow blow fuse, however this MB2 fuse was originally a 2A fuse.


If the Robe Spot 250 XT is a 3,15A slow blow fuse on the main panel mounted fuse, then I'm assuming there are slight differences in components compared to the TAS version.


Due to the 3,15A slow blow fuse blowing on MB1, I'm assuming this one has a higher rating or something.


Thank you for your information Spantax, will hopefully get to the bottom of it, I'll try contacting Robe as if they designed it, then they should hopefully have an idea! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif

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Hi Zak,


The TAS ProSpot 250 and Robe Spot 250 XT shipped with a 3,15A fuse installed and with an optional 6,3A fuse to be used if the fixtures got retaped to run on 120V. From what you are describing I would suggest you have other issues with your fixtures. I would have a look at the main capacitors at considering how old the fixture is, they could quite possibly have reached their end of life.


There were some slight changes made to the motherboard of the Robe XT when Robe stopped doing OEM manufacturing, but they were still compatible with the TAS ProSpot. I have bought XT boards to fix ProSpot's several times as Coemar stopped supporting the fixtures quite a few years ago.


I think it's safe to say that Robe is your best bet to get some support on it and find out what you need to know. Quick one though.. Have you looked closely on the PCB to see if it has the fuse rating stenciled on?

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Hey Spantax,


I've checked the PCB but there is no fuse rating stencilled on. Just out of interest, What sort of price were you paying for a new motherboard?


I'll try giving Robe a ring tomorrow, see what they think. I will also check the capacitors on both units.


Thank you for your advice Spantax! http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif


Cheers for the link to the manual/service manual Don http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif

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  • 5 months later...
I have one of these where on power-up it pans fully anticlockwise then sits against the end stop for a few seconds before slowly panning the other way until it reaches the other end stop. I think there's a problem with the indexing sensor or its pcb connector, but should there also be a magnet on the end stop arm? Mine just has a hole at the end, and the parts diagram isn't very clear in this respect.
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