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chamsys four port ethernet config frustration


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Hi all,


I have just received my 4 universe ethernet interface, and I am going a bit crazy.

I have a pc running windows 7, with magicq


Both the PC and the interaface are connected to a netgear gs105 switch.

I've put the ipv4 address of the PC to, sub


On the interface, the white light next to usb is blinking. the two adress dials are on zero. All four jumpers are on the down position, putting the interface in magicq mode.


The software on the pc stays in demo mode.

Net manager view devices doesn't show any devices.


Very frustrating ! Any help would be appreciated,





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Is your netgear switch set to operate and allocate DHCP addresses in the 2.0.0.xxx subnet?


(to people who really know about networking, forgive my terminology mistakes, and I am aware that with the subnet on the PC that actually the DHCP could allocate anywhere in 255.xxx.xxx.xxx but I'm trying to keep things simple)

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Is your netgear switch set to operate and allocate DHCP addresses in the 2.0.0.xxx subnet?


(to people who really know about networking, forgive my terminology mistakes, and I am aware that with the subnet on the PC that actually the DHCP could allocate anywhere in 255.xxx.xxx.xxx but I'm trying to keep things simple)


as far as I know, it's just a switch, it doesn't have any settings, it's an unmanaged switch

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Are the IP/Subnet of your windows PC and ChamSys software the same? If not, the software won't be on the network.


Have a look in your network preferences and under "Setup>Networking" in ChamSys...




yes, they're both and

for the system in the ipv4 properties

for the magicq software in view settings - network ip address and sub net address.


Is there something wrong with the kind of switch I have ?


Why is the white led next to the usb port blinking on the four port interface ? Is this normal ?


thanks for your help

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Isn't the functioning only enabled when a hardware control surface is connected? I'm not sure about the 4 way switch - but most cleverer functions are blocked without the hardware?


"When connected via the network to MagicQ the Ethernet Interface unlocks the restricted features of MagicQ such as full screen Execute Window and remote control. "




the manual clearly shows that a switch or router between the ethernet interface and the pcs is the preferred config.


so far have gotten nowhere though. still blinking white light next to usb port on the interface, meaning unknown and as far as I can tell, undocumented




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yes, they're both and

for the system in the ipv4 properties

for the magicq software in view settings - network ip address and sub net address.



That means you have two devices on the subnet with the same address. That will cause a problem. Change one of them to and it should work better. Each device on the subnet needs a unique address.

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That's not how I read it here.


MagicQ requires the IP address it will be using to be specified in the console software, in addition to this being specified at the operating system level.


While it's true that one mustn't have two devices on the same network with the same IP address, that isn't what's being described here. It's absolutely correct to specify the same IP address in two places on the MagicQ PC.


To the OP: what other lights do you see? Does the LINK light next to the Ethercon illuminate? How about the lights above the connectors on the switch? If these aren't lighting up, and flashing, then you most likely have a broken cable somewhere (or perhaps a broken switch, depending on what combination).



That means you have two devices on the subnet with the same address. That will cause a problem. Change one of them to and it should work better. Each device on the subnet needs a unique address.

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That's not how I read it here.


MagicQ requires the IP address it will be using to be specified in the console software, in addition to this being specified at the operating system level.


While it's true that one mustn't have two devices on the same network with the same IP address, that isn't what's being described here. It's absolutely correct to specify the same IP address in two places on the MagicQ PC.


To the OP: what other lights do you see? Does the LINK light next to the Ethercon illuminate? How about the lights above the connectors on the switch? If these aren't lighting up, and flashing, then you most likely have a broken cable somewhere (or perhaps a broken switch, depending on what combination).



That means you have two devices on the subnet with the same address. That will cause a problem. Change one of them to and it should work better. Each device on the subnet needs a unique address.


I read it as a reply to the question "Are the IP/Subnet of your windows PC and ChamSys software the same?"


My apologies.

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Just to confirm that the ChamSys 4 Port Interface is designed so that when it is connected to a MagicQ system (PC, Mac or Linux) by Ethernet it unlocks the Demo mode and other features. It uses multicast messaging so the IP addresses should not matter - but best to set them on the same range.


It makes no difference what the mode switches are set to, it will unlock in Art-Net, ACN or MQ Mode.


The USB port is for factory use only and does not unlock MagicQ. The white LED by the USB port flashes, but is not relevant to unlocking in any way.


I suggest trying to connect the 4 Port directly to the PC.


Also, do a test with all firewalls and virus protection programs turned off and the computer restarted. Often these programs block multicast on the used ports, even if they are set to disabled.



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