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Lanbox demo


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I'm seriously considering buying a Lanbox LCX for touring as an alternative to a desk but as there are currently no UK resellers there's nowhere to get a demo.


Is there anyone in the London area who uses one who'd be willing to show me exactly how to program one from scratch?


I've read the manual but some hands on training would be really useful...

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I've never even come across this product! What inspires you to use this as opposed to any of the more popular control systems? What will you be doing with it?




Installations, performance art, dance and theatre. It's just what I need.


I'm eager however that this doesn't turn into yet another thread about the comparative merits of software based controllers. Anyone out there who can give me a demo?

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If you want a play with one you can download lc edit and connect to their demo box.

A few things to note about lanbox

  • Think of it as a full desk but without buttons or faders, everything is stored/processed in the box the pc just acts as your interface
  • Get your head round how the playback layers work and effect each other
  • Always remember to click save data to lanbox, it only ever saves your work when you do that, otherwise it's only held in ram and a loss of power will loose your changes


I have 2x LCX and one Lce in the Manchester area.

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I've been tempted to buy one of these in the past for use as a very flexible standalone controller, however the dealkiller for me is that the maximum DMX output rate is 20 Hz, less than half the 44 Hz standard output for a full universe.
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