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Amplifiers for Funktion One


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I'm looking into buying some F1 Resolution [2/4] gear soon and using my existing amps. I've got Powersoft M50Qs and K10s.


All I ever hear is that you need to use either MC2 or FFA amps to drive Funktion One speakers and I am genuinely confused as to whether it is true or not? I appreciate that the 'official' stance of any manufacturer will be biased towards whoever they are in partnership with at the time [L'Acoustic/LabG, Martin/Powersoft, F1/FFA etc.] but has anyone actually got any experience with using the 'wrong' amps?


I don't want to turn this thread into the standard slagging match that appears on all these forums, but I would like others opinions before throwing a load of cash away at replacing perfectly good amplifiers with perfectly good amplifiers!


Processing will remain XTA.


Before anyone says it, I have no doubt I can arrange a comparison. I'm just after some opinions from those who have experience with these combinations before I go down that route.

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Hi Tom,


First of all, I need to disclose that I work for CUK Audio, the UK Powersoft distributor.


Although F1 recommends FFA and MC2, this doesn't preclude using another brand of amplifier with their products. There are a number of F1 users who power their systems with Powersoft amplifiers; Taylored Sound in Scotland are one that springs to mind.


When I have done AB demos between Powersoft K-Series and MC2 E45s powering Res4, Res5, F218 and F221, the K-Series amplifiers have been noticeably better. The mids are less muddled, the highs sparkle more and when it comes to bass, it is a lot tighter and better controlled. I remember one demo where the owner of the MC2 amps thought that the Res4 being powered by the E45s must be broken because the difference was so marked; some cable shuffling proved this wasn't the case. Not long after I had an order for some Powersoft amplifiers.


It is interesting to note that the performance difference is increased when using Powersoft DSP rather than the XTA.


I have no experience with the FFA products so can't comment on them.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The FFA amplifiers sound great, im not too into systems etc, I just tour foh engineer,

and always turn my nose up at res systems, but recently used on powered by FFA and was very impressed.

Im yet to use F1 on powersoft, but a hire company I work for uses the MA rebranded powersoft amps on martin w8lc and its better than labs.


basically FFA or powersoft over MC2.





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Hi Tom,


First of all, I need to disclose that I work for CUK Audio, the UK Powersoft distributor.


Although F1 recommends FFA and MC2, this doesn't preclude using another brand of amplifier with their products. There are a number of F1 users who power their systems with Powersoft amplifiers; Taylored Sound in Scotland are one that springs to mind.


When I have done AB demos between Powersoft K-Series and MC2 E45s powering Res4, Res5, F218 and F221, the K-Series amplifiers have been noticeably better. The mids are less muddled, the highs sparkle more and when it comes to bass, it is a lot tighter and better controlled. I remember one demo where the owner of the MC2 amps thought that the Res4 being powered by the E45s must be broken because the difference was so marked; some cable shuffling proved this wasn't the case. Not long after I had an order for some Powersoft amplifiers.


It is interesting to note that the performance difference is increased when using Powersoft DSP rather than the XTA.


I have no experience with the FFA products so can't comment on them.



Well that's not biased at all then...


Powersoft K Series at least suffer from that classic Class D problem, at different impedances they have a variable response, notable in the higher frequencies. FFA also have this issue, but MC2 seem to be the only manufacturer to combat this to some extent.


Also, the fact that powersoft are in Lab.Gruppen price bracket - meaning you're paying an obscene amount for an amp that you could buy the equivalent (albeit without DSP) for thousands less in the UK

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