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Help on Gauze / Voile / Printing! -

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Hello there,


Newbie on here, so please - be gentle. I need a bit of guidance....and where better, I have heard than on here?


About to do a production of Calendar Girls and would like to have about 6 drapes (12 feet by 5 feet) hung via some track. These need to be fairly much transparent and be able to have large sunflowers printed on to them (screen print I guess)


My question would be be - what sort of material would be best for this sort of project, that would A) be able to be printed on and B) would give the maximum effect in relation to lighting and C) what sort of lighting would show these off well - LED I am thinking....for safety etc.


If someone out there could give me the benefit of their knowledge before I go and spend a load of money on something that would either look rubbish or perhaps wouldn't work.


Thanks, in advance.http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

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If this is something that you're looking to spend money on (or at least get a quote for) being done properly, I'd suggest calling Peter at Prompt Side for ballpark costs to see whether it's within your reach. They may be able to supply you with a selection of small printed samples so that you'll be better placed to make a call on what would work best for you.



Also worth starting to give some thought to getting an image of appropriate resolution to print at that sort of size...

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You can print anything, on virtually anything, from virtually any kind of graphics file these days. It really depnds, as others have said, on what you want to pay. My only experience is with fabrics for outside work - but what can be achived now is amazing.
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