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strand 200+

totnes techy

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Hi All


I am looking at getting a Strand 200+ 24/48 lighting console. it will be the 1st strand console I have used and the specks are relay good for the price (£615 + VAT). up to now I have used desks such as zero 88 fat frog, orb xf, jester and jester ml. I also own a elation scene setter 12/24. (not very good desks I know).


if there is anyone on blue room that has one, what are they like to use? and how easy is it to operate moving lights and intelligent fixtures? also if there are any problems with them that I should take into acount?


thank you


totnes technician

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We have one at one of my venues. It's currently just running dimmers but there'll be some LED fixtures arriving soon so I can't comment on what it's like for MLs or LEDs at the moment.


Our experiences haven't been particularly positive so far I'm afraid. Everyone who's used it has at some point recorded a bunch of cues with a 10 minute fade time as the labelling is somewhat unhelpful on the multifunctional fader that controls times. It takes about 10s for a cue to record after hitting the button which is annoying. There's no theatre stack as such although there are a number of chase slots that can be used as a stack. Selecting and playing a stack / chase with its timings is difficult even with the manual in front of you. Editing memories is not easy.


I'm sure some people must get on with it better so it's perhaps worth trying one out if you can.

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