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Linking two analogue consoles together


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Does anyone know of a relatively cheap unit to combine two analogue boards together so that I can use the same monitor system and same foh without any change over and without any loss of power. Need to combine the main left and right and a 4 way monitor mix plus the masters B as there is a delay being used. Using Two Midas Venice 320's . If I do it with simple split leads the volume is way down. Need something active I assume. Just doing a once off that I need two identical boards combined so not worth spending alot of money on. Any ideas greatful.


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You either need to feed the outputs of one desk into some spare inputs on the other or you need another mixer to mix the outputs together. If you are lucky, you might get away with making up some passive mixing cables but you need to add resistors in series with each output in order to prevent one output driving the other and causing damage. The exact value of resistor needed depends on both the design of the output and the input impedance of whatever you are feeding. I wouldn't send a resistively mixed output down long lines either as it will be much more sensitive to cable capacitance.



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Aside from linking consoles (as mentioned above), if you're looking for a unit to do the switch you need something like the MixSwitch (http://apb-dynasonics.com/products/Products_MixSwitch.html). Not sure if there is a cheaper option out there, though...


The Mackie Mixer Mixer is certainly cheaper, but not sure if it's quite what you'd be looking for.


I had one for a while and got on fine with it, but sold it when we went largely digital.

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