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Script royalties

The Rookie Man

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Hey guys, I am not a professional anything to do with theatre, but me and my friends (who are young, aspiring actors/writers) are considering putting on a production of Simon Stephans Punk Rock. Not for any reason other than we love theatre.


We've put on small scale shows before, but they've all been orginal material, so we've never had to think about copyright issues. So this is the one thing that has us completely stumped, royalties.


I've been searching the web for near an hour, maybe I'm not asking the right questions, but how do I go about finding out the laws for using other peoples scripts? I want to know how to find out if it's a one off fee, or a royalty percentage of takings, or if we're just straight off not allowed to do it, etc etc...



If I understand how the hell I work this out, I'm pretty good at working stuff out myself (but this has beaten me), so I shouldn't have to bother you again :L



Many thanks,


Tom (the rookie)

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Just contact the holder of the rights. No point trying to guess. Their address is at the front of the published script. If you don't have a copy look on Amazon and click on the 'Look Inside' link. Helpfully a couple of pages in you will find the relevant information. You will need to obtain a licence to perform. The cost of this is often a function of the number of potential audience members but the calculation varies between publishers etc.
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If I understand how the hell I work this out, I'm pretty good at working stuff out myself (but this has beaten me), so I shouldn't have to bother you again :L


The entry from the Samuel French web site says it is a fee code M which for amateur productions is 89 quid (increasing to 93 quid from Sepetember 2012)




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